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Stepanyan I.V., Mekler A.A. (2020) Chaotic Algorithms of Analysis of Cardiovascular Systems and Artificial Intelligence. In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., He M. (eds) Advances in Artificial Systems for Medicine and Education III. AIMEE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1126. Springer, Cham, pp. 231-240, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39162-1_21
Sharafat A. Mirzakulova, Vyacheslav P. Shuvalov, Aleksey A. Mekler. Studying Network Traffic Using Nonlinear Dynamics Methods // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2017, Vol. 95, No 21, pp 5869-5880
Guillemard D., Galperina E. I., Panasevich E. A., Kats E. E., Mekler A. A., Nagornova Z. V., Shemyakina N. V. EEG-correlates of Complex Syntactic Constructions Processing In Russian-Speaking Children Of 5–6 Years Old//Clinical Pathophysiology, Volume 22, Issue 1. 2016, pp.80-91.
V. V. Dmitrenko, A. V. Iershov, P. I. Stetsyuk, A. P. Lykhovid, Yu. P. Laptin, D. R. Schwartz, A. A. Mekler, and V. M. Kavsan. Determination of Molecular Glioblastoma Subclasses on the Basis of Analysis of Gene Expression// Cytology and Genetics, 2014, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 383–391. (In Russian: В.В. Дмитренко, А.В. Ершов, П.И. Стецюк, А.П. Лиховид, Ю.П. Лаптин, А.А. Меклер, В.М. Кавсан, Д.Р.Шварц. Определение молекулярных подклассов глиобластом на основе анализа экспрессии генов.//Цитология и генетика, 2014, Т. 48, №. 6, стр. 45–55.
A.A. Mekler, D.R. Schwarz, Quality Assessment of Data Discrimination Using Self-Organizing Maps.// Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 51 (2014) 210–218
A.A. Mekler, I. Kniazeva, D.R. Schwartz, Y.A. Kuperin, V.I. Rimar, V.V. Dmitrenko, V.M. Kavsan. Glioblastoma Gene Expression Profile Diagnostics by the Artificial Neural Networks.// Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), Vol. 19, No. 2, 2010, 181-186
Y.A. Kuperin, A.S. Minin, A.A. Mekler, S. P. Romanov. Application of Adaptive Classification of Tensotremorograms for Revealing the Pathological States of Human Motor Control System.//Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), 2009, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 304–311.
A. Mekler. Calculation of EEG correlation dimension: Large massifs of experimental data.// Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 92, (2008), 154–160.
Lang, T. Poppe, A. Minin, I. Mokhov, Y. Kuperin, A. Mekler, and I. Liapakina, Neural Clouds for Monitoring of Complex Systems. // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), 2008, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 183–192.
Mekler A., Muss A., Galperina E., Kruchinina O. The Relation of Sign and Kind of Emotions during Video Clips Watching and EEG Systemic and Informational Characteristics. // The 24th ISFN Annual Meeting December 20-22, 2015, p.60, http://www.isfn.org.il/annual-meeting/program
Mekler A., Spiridonov E., Muss A., Kruchinina O. The brain systemic and information processes while listening to different kinds of music. // The 24th ISFN Annual Meeting December 20-22, 2015, p.62-63, http://www.isfn.org.il/annual-meeting/program
Mekler A.A., Vishnevetskaya E.V. The ability of the 4 – 6 y.o. children to recognize and express emotions and the brain maturation.// Journal of Molecular Neuroscience - abstracts of the ISFN annual meeting and the 2nd Binational Italy-Israel Neuroscience (2014) 53 (Suppl 1):S1–S137 (S86).
Mekler A.A., Knyazeva I.S., Dmitrenko V.V., Iershov A.V., Kavsan V.M. Identification of the genes for the glioblastoma subtyping by Kohonen self-organizing maps.// Journal of Molecular Neuroscience - abstracts of the ISFN annual meeting and the 2nd Binational Italy-Israel Neuroscience (2014) 53 (Suppl 1):S1–S137 (S87).
A.A.Mekler, I.A.Gorbunov, S.Y.Bolotova. The relation of the “moral” emotions sphere dysfunction with the EEG specifics in the schizophrenia patients who did socially dangerous acts.//The international conference “Actual Problems of Psychology and Law Victims and witnesses: from research to effective practice”, 2014, June 24–27, St. Petersburg. Abstracts. p 235-236.
Alexey A. Mekler, Sergey V. Borisenok. EEG Informational Code Dependence on the Functional State: General Trends and Characteristic Period// International Journal of Psychophysiology 94(2), 2014, 190. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2014) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) Hiroshima, Japan, September 23rd to 27th, 2014
Alexey A. Mekler, Akio Mori, Kazuma Oki, Ryo Koshizawa, Masaki Takayose, Nahoko T Minakawa, Vladimir S. Orlov, Elizaveta Galperina. The Study of EEG Complexity in the Positive and Negative Emotions Induced by Music.// International Journal of Psychophysiology 94(2), 2014, 190-191. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2014) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) Hiroshima, Japan, September 23rd to 27th, 2014
Alexey A. Mekler, Ivan Gorbunov, Vladimir Gavrilov. Systemic Processes in Brain: the EEG Study on Emotions of Different Hierarchical Level and Sign.// International Journal of Psychophysiology 94(2), 2014, 191. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2014) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) Hiroshima, Japan, September 23rd to 27th, 2014
Горбунов И.А. Меклер А.А. Использование критерия автоинформативности для изучения физиологических механизмов эмоций в психофизиологическом эксперименте// Четвёртая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: Тезисы докладов: В 2 т. Томск, 22–26 июня 2010 г. – Томск: Томский государственный университет, 2010. Т. 1: – 283 с., стр. 223-225.
A.A. Mekler, L.A. Dmitrieva, A.S. Minin, D.G. Schwarz, Y.A. Kuperin, S.P. Romanov. Implementing of the artificial intelligence for classification of isometrically applied force tremor for neuromuscular system disorders diagnostics.//Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 121, Supplement 1, October 2010, Page S239.
A.A. Mekler, L.A. Dmitrieva, Y.A. Kuperin and I.N. Sedlinsky. Empirical mode decomposition products complexity in EEG studies: influence of functional state.//Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 121, Supplement 1, October 2010, Page S247.
A.A. Mekler, L.A. Dmitrieva, Yu. Kuperin. Chaos, Multifractals And EMD-decomposition In Analysis Of The EEG Signal Structure. // Proceedings of the XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009) “Function of Life: Elements and Integration” July 27–August 1, 2009, Kyoto, Japan, The J. of Physiol. Sci. Vol. 59, Sup. 1, 2009, 528
Mekler A.A., Kuperin Y.A., Minin A.S., Dmitrieva L.A., Romanov S.P., Kovalev V.A., Kropotov Y.D., Neural Clouds for Classification of Tremorograms for Identification of Human Motor System Disorders. // Proceedings of the XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009) “Function of Life: Elements and Integration” July 27–August 1, 2009, Kyoto, Japan, The J. of Physiol. Sci. Vol. 59, Sup. 1, 2009, 451
A. A. Mekler. The EEG Complexity, Psychic Processes and Behavior. // International Journal of Psychophysiology 69 (2008) 258–259
A. A. Mekler, E. V. Vishnevetskaya. Human brain maturation and ability to recognize and express emotions: A study of preschool aged children // International Journal of Psychophysiology 69 (2008) 156.
Меклер А.А., Болотова Е.В. Особенности нелинейной динамики ЭЭГ детей дошкольного возраста. //В: Вторая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: Тезисы докладов: В 2 т. Санкт-Петербург, 9 – 13 июня 2006 г. – С.-Пб.: Филологический факультет СПбГУ, 2006. Т.2: 326 стр., стр. 363-364.
Меклер А.А. Помехоподавляющий трансформатор// “51-я научно-техническая конференция профессорско-преподавательского состава, научных сотрудников и аспирантов. Тезисы докладов.” С.-Пб., издательство СПбГУТ, 1998, стр. 41.
Меклер А.А. Предусилитель-корректор для электромагнитного звукоснимателя// “50-я научно-техническая конференция студентов и молодых специалистов. Тезисы докладов.” С.-Пб., издательство СПбГУТ, 1996, стр. 3.